From the East (November)

From the East (November)

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year, no gifts, no expectations, just time with friends and family with good food. At least that’s been my tradition, so in continuance of this, I invite you to our November stated meeting where we can all come together and enjoy some time with each other’s company.

From the Hall (August)

From the Hall (August)

Brethren: In July the board approved the carpet for the stairs, landings, 3rd floor “fan” room and the family room. This project will take place in October when the weather is a bit cooler. We had a work party on the 23rd. We had several projects to do, as we do...
From the East (November)

From the East (August)

Greetings Brethren! I certainty hope you enjoyed your month off and spent it with family and friends.  August is degree month!  We have a first degree for Mr. Sonnenberg coming up on August 11, and I have it on good authority that we will get to enjoy the long form...
From the West (August)

From the West (August)

Hello summer! Let me relate some thoughtful words from “The Royal Arch Mason”, summer issue, paraphrased somewhat. There is an old story about a monastery high on a cliff and the only way up was in a basket pulled by a rope. As a man prepared to climb into the...
From the West (August)

From the West (July)

My Brothers, Last month we looked at how we learn. This time let me ask – why? Is there an inborn human trait we’re born with to question everything and even go so far as to ask, why are we here? We’re all born helpless, but for our Mother’s love, then...