Lodge Consolidation (1986)

Lodge Consolidation (1986)

In April of 1986 the Petaluma and Novato Lodges consolidated, becoming one body of Masonry to serve Sonoma and North Marin Counties. Here is the letter distributed to all members of both Lodges

Famous Masons: Charles Coward

Famous Masons: Charles Coward

Charles Coward, or “The Count of Auschwitz” as he would come to be known, joined the British Army in 1937 and was captured by the Germans in 1940. In retrospect the Germans would have deeply regretted capturing him as he did far more damage to them as a POW than he did on the front lines.

Famous Masons: Charles Coward

Famous Masons: Chuck Williams

Charles “Chuck’” of Williams-Sonoma was known worldwide as a culinary genius and esteemed businessman. But in Temple Lodge No. 14 in Sonoma, he was known for something else: Being a brother. Williams passed away on Dec. 5, 2015, but his legacy in and outside of the lodge will be forever treasured by those people whose lives he touched.

Clocktower Rededication

The Clock Tower: the Whole Story

I really enjoyed the article on the town clock (Argus Courier, “Clock tower takes up a lot of time,” Nov. 28). The clock is one of the downtown’s crown jewels. I would, however, like to add a few more details/corrections to the article. The Masonic...