The conferring of a degree is a very special time for a Lodge, one that takes place with much gravity and preparation. Each of the three degrees teach a candidate important lessons about living a just and moral life, helping others, and serving one’s community. These ceremonies, passed down for hundreds of years, form the cornerstone of our Fraternity and the connection we have with each other.
August was a fantastic month for Petaluma-Hamilton Masons, not only for their hard work paying off in the conferring of two wonderful degrees, but also that we were able to attend and assist Santa Rosa Luther Burbank Lodge #57 in the conferral of the Third Degree for one of their candidates. We take great pride in the quality of our ritual and the impact it has on our candidates, whether they are entering on the first step of Freemasonry or being named a Master of the craft, and seeing the awe and reverence for the ceremonies shared among Brothers from Lodges across the County is a great feeling.
Below are several pictures from this month’s ceremonies, evenings that will live forever in the hearts of the many men who came together to confer our wonderful Degree ceremonies. Click on the images to see them full-size!
Best Friends
These four friends have known each other for more than a decade, and are now all Brothers
Santa Rosa 3rd
A wonderful Third Degree put on by the members of Santa Rosa and Petaluma Lodges for a well-deserving Brother
Brother Sonnenberg 1st
Men from across the county came to celebrate the Initiation of Brother David Sonnenberg