Guy_ChalmersThis month in April we celebrate with the Grand Master the amazing public school system, how it started and what it means in the life of so many citizens. Do you realize that the Masonic fraternity was the inspiration behind the formation of a system of learning whereby every child would receive an education. It’s true, I believe it’s one of Masonry’s proudest achievements. Throughout history, education has proved to be the deciding factor for how far a person can succeed. And so it is today as the bar has been set at a high level for the basic requirements of a job. It used to be a high school education could get you a job, but now it seems a college degree is the standard. We in this Lodge can be proud to honor six exceptional high school students with a $1,000 scholarship to further their education in college. This Lodge also proudly sponsors a Rainbow Girls Assembly which helps promote growth in young girls’ lives at a time when crucial decisions are being made. We assist in the education of our member’s lives, teaching timeless lessons of morality, honor, and truth. You can see how education opens the door to more ‘light’ in our lives, helping us to make smarter decisions and living by a higher standard, how important it is.

We were happy to hold an open house last month to show off our beautiful building and inform the public some of the ideals of Masonry. You see, we are not so secret about our Craft and we can even talk about what Masonry is and does. In fact, talking about what is a Mason is the best way to inform those who inquire. The Internet certainly is worthwhile but can contain untruths and false information while in the disguise of Masonry. The masonic book, “Is It True What They Say About Masonry”, by Art DeHoyos and Brent Morris, is an excellent source for determining what is accurate and what is derogatory. Education is life long, we never stop learning. Keep asking questions’, searching for the truth and helping others do the same, is a noble goal for us all. Don’t stop believing that you can make a difference, if not you, who?

Guy Chalmers
Senior Warden